Friday, November 13, 2020

 To all new and existing members we have been doing our best all year to return to the track in a covid safe manner, but due to a lot of extra procedures, training and planning it has been difficult. I understand everyone is frustrated and we are working with Karting Australia to return to the track in the safest way possible and add a free year to all current memberships. We are now at the stage to ask for interest from our members in holding a planned practice day. This will not be a club day and there will be no charge for the day. It will be for FUN, re-connecting with our members and blowing the cob webs off the old karts.   

Unfortunately through this chaos and confusion we don't have all the contact details we need for all members. So if you could please email the club with your current details and pass this message along to anyone else you know in the club to do the same. When we have details of our members we will look at setting a date for an event and give you all the information on what we need you to do for covid safe event.

please also looking at the K.A. website for info on "Restarting your kart" and the conditions of returning to the track in covid safe manner.

Thank you all for your understanding this year and your patients and I apologize for lack of communication throughout this year but it has been very overwhelming for myself personally and with the club. We having been trying and we are making progress. 

So hope to hear from you all soon and we can get back out there 

Thanks again  

Kenneth Mclure

Bairnsdale kart club, secretary