Saturday, February 2, 2019
The Bairnsdale Kart Club 2019 championship seasons kicks off in 22 Days!!.
This year will be the biggest year the Bairnsdale kart club has had in over a decade, with 10 CLUB DAYS, 1 OPEN race meeting & now the VICTORIAN STATE CUP (Black plate) event. The club is hoping that holding these bigger race meets will encourage more people to dust there karts off and come back racing again at 1 of the best kart racing tracks in the state as well as bring a lot of people to the area.
The club has a "LOT" of work to do to our facility through out the year to make it better, safer & more up to date so we will be looking for as many members or helper as possible to lend a helping hand through out the year.
We are a small club but with big plans to try and increase our membership numbers and bring a high level of kart racing to the area for everyone to enjoy.