Don't forget before our next race meeting, as of January 1, 2017 all Drivers under the age of 18 will require their parent(s) and/or legal guardian(s) to hold a Participant’s or current Karting Australia Driver’s Licence.
The Participant’s Licence will enable them to enter a Minor in a Karting Australia sanctioned Event and to apply for a Licence upgrade for the Minor.
The process to obtain a Participant’s Licence is a very simple one, and there’s no cost attached to it – it’s FREE. Parent(s) and/or legal guardian(s) need to visit to complete their application.
Once complete, the applicant will receive an email confirmation advising of their Identity number.
The Participant’s Identity Number or a current Karting Australia Driver’s Licence Number will be required to be entered in the Minor’s licence record before that person can enter the Minor into an event or apply for an upgrade to the Minor’s licence. This is completed by the Minor logging into the CMS and selecting “Add, Change Participant Detail” and then enter the Participant’s or current Driver’s Identity Number when requested.